Saturday, May 14, 2011

Preschool Room Decorating

Ever since last Saturday, when we were able to raise over $1500 
from the garage sale at church, I have been able to purchase
 furniture and storage units for the kiddos classrooms. 
This past week I focused on refreshing the preschool room. 
My main plan is to paint the walls a creamy yellow and then use
white furniture to accent the walls and add some kid-friendly animal
decorations.  So far, I'm loving the room and I still have a ways to go.

Here's some pictures of what I've done so far:

Yesterday, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought different sized
canvases as well as these cute little animals.
I matched the animals with a canvase and then chose a
complimentary color for the canvase to go with the animal.

Here's other storage that I've purchased that will add to the overall
"refreshing" process for this preschool room. 

Ahh...I love storage!
And it's so easy to put together!


  1. Looks so cute Ashley!! I took a peak when I was at the graduation parties (through the window). Great job!

  2. so cute and so fun!! :) love it!
