Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Push

I've needed "the push" to get back into blogging.
So I will divulge to you my new favorite TV shows.

I absolutely love this show because I learn
something new everytime I watch it. 
Plus, I'd like to think that I'm an amateur picker myself,
even though, I have yet to visit a garage sale this summer.  Oops. 
Still, watching Mike and Frank interact is quite a treat.

You never know what will show up in the store.
People bring in the weirdest and coolest things ever.
It's fascinating to learn the history about all the items.
I highly recommend checking it out.

Tomorrow I will be driving down to Normon, Oklahoma
for a church-related conference.  I am very much looking
forward to this mini roadtrip. 
There's just something I love about driving.
And I hope that this conferencewill help recharge me
and give me that push that I need
for the weeks to come. 

I'll keep ya posted!


  1. I've just recently watched both of these shows. There's another one that I think you would LOVE! It is called Picker Sisters. Two designers travel to the south and find all junk/finds. But then they take it back to LA and redesign it into furniture and other home decorating things and sell it in their store. I think you would really like it! :)

    Miss you, friend!

  2. I went to Vermont for the new year to ski/snowboard & my future brother in law was watching Pawn Stars and it has now become my fiancé's obsession (it is rather awesome!)
